書初め – 「語学部」の活動報告 〜 英語編 〜

I would like to share an old Japanese tradition that we(Get-It) do annually at the beginning of January.
At our warehouse, we gather together to write our new year resolutions. This tradition is called Kakizome ”書初め” which is Japanese calligraphy. We use special brushes, ink and paper.
Nowadays it is no longer a tradition generally done by adults but I believe you would see Kakizome at every elementary public school in Japan, especially in January.
First, we picked a Kanji or very short word that you can fit on a specific paper for Kakizome.
In our case, we pick one Kanji that shows our goal for this year. However, this year I made a mistake. Instead of writing 1, I wrote 2. I wrote希望(きぼう) which means HOPE in English. I really want to look toward the future and see what I as well as our company, can do amidst this pandemic. No one knows what will happen but I want to look on the bright side.
We did our calligraphy event online this year, but I hope all of us can do it at our warehouse together next year!
